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Mejor Servicio de Cambio en Thane

Cambio de Dinero en Thane

BookMyForex. com es el primer sitio web de su tipo que le permite reservar un cambio de moneda o una orden de remesas privadas en línea. Nuestro sitio web compara los tipos de cambio de monedas a través de cientos de bancos y RBI autorizados lugares de cambio de divisas a su alrededor y transparentemente muestra el mejor tipo de cambio de divisas en ThaneWe plan en revolucionar el mercado de divisas en Thane. Ordene el intercambio de divisas en Thane en línea y recoja su divisa en uno de varios sitios de intercambio de divisas / banca de asociación que están disponibles en la mayoría de los barrios principales. Mejor aún, ordene su divisa en línea y reciba su divisa (o rupia india a cambio de su divisa) en su hogar / oficina sí mismo.

BookMyForex le permite:

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Cambiar moneda extranjera a mejores tasas que bancos, aeropuertos e intercambiadores de dinero en Thane

Tasas de cambio en tiempo real, transparentes y siempre competitivas. No más regateo de tarifas!

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Facilitación del cliente hasta el último paso - BookMyForex asegura un proceso de pedido agradable para usted, facilitando su pedido hasta el final

BookMyForex fue configurado por un equipo de los profesionales de Forex más experimentados en la India. Nuestro CEO tiene una tremenda experiencia en la banca india / mercados de divisas y ha sido atribuido con la introducción de servicios de divisas (FES) como un nuevo negocio vertical en los bancos de la India.

BookMyForex trabaja mano a mano con los bancos más grandes y orientados al servicio y RBI autorizado empresas de intercambio en la India. Nuestros acuerdos bancarios con nuestros bancos de socios / compañías de intercambio permiten a nuestros clientes completar sus pedidos en más de 2500 sucursales de socios de canal en toda la India a tasas mejores que cualquier otro cambiador de moneda local en Thane. Además, gracias al meticuloso proceso de inspección de monedas de nuestro socio de canal, puede estar seguro de obtener moneda genuina y auténtica. Esto es algo que un cambiador de dinero más pequeño en Thane nunca puede ofrecer.

BookMyForex. com, por primera vez en la India, le permite ver las tasas de cambio en tiempo real en línea en todo momento del día. BookMyForex, a diferencia de otros intercambiadores de dinero en Thane, no aplica el mismo tipo de cambio para todo el día. Operamos con tarifas en vivo y transparentes que están disponibles para que todos las vean en nuestro sitio. Incluso le permitimos congelar estas tarifas en vivo en nuestro sitio para que las tasas exactas que usted ve.

Equipado con una serie de características nunca antes vistas, BookMyForex utiliza una mezcla única de tecnología, una gran presencia nacional y un enfoque de cliente agudo para ofrecer a nuestros clientes el mejor cambio de divisas en Thane. Haga clic en el botón de abajo para comenzar con su pedido de divisas.

Tarifas actuales de Euro en Thane para cambio de divisas y transferencia de dinero desde la India

Euro Precios en Thane

BookMyForex es el primer portal forex en línea de la India y ofrecemos tasas de cambio en vivo del euro hoy en Thane cada minuto del día durante todo el año en esta página. Vamos más allá de sólo mostrar las tarifas en vivo en nuestro sitio y en realidad le permiten convertir Euro a Rupias Indias o Rupias Indias a Euro en exactamente las tasas que se muestran aquí. Proporcionamos nuestros servicios en cada parte de Thane. Además, ofrecemos servicio de entrega de puertas a través de Thane. Nuestra suite de productos se compone de tarjetas de divisas EUR, cheques de viajero EUR y billetes de divisas en euros. Además, ofrecemos productos de remesas tales como transferencias bancarias en euros y borradores de demanda en euros. El tipo de cambio del euro de cada producto hoy en Thane se actualiza en tiempo real aquí siempre que los mercados de divisas estén abiertos. Nuestros vínculos con algunos de los bancos más grandes y las compañías autorizadas de intercambio de RBI en la India, nos permiten atender a los clientes en todas las partes de Thane, proporcionando los mejores tipos de cambio EUR hoy en Thane.

Nuestro principal factor de diferenciación son nuestras tarifas y usamos los últimos avances de datos en tiempo real para ofrecer la mejor tarifa actual de EUR en Thane. A decir verdad, no existe tal cosa como una "tasa de EUR de hoy en Thane". Al igual que cualquier otra seguridad que se negocia en línea, los precios de la divisa también varían cada pocos segundos. Diseñado para aumentar los beneficios para las empresas de cambio, una estática 'tasa de EUR de hoy en Thane' es siempre más caro porque las tasas estáticas tienen que ser rellenado en gran medida con el fin de negar los efectos de las fluctuaciones intra-día.

BookMyForex nació porque sabíamos que algo mejor era posible. Con nuestra sólida infraestructura de TI y nuestra visión de hacer un mercado de divisas más organizado en la India, estamos buscando romper la tradición de cómo la divisa es comprada y vendida en la India. Comience con su pedido usando nuestro carrito de entrada de pedidos interactivo a continuación.

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Another Thane builder found dead on tracks

Even as Thane builder Suraj Parmar's suicide is under probe, the discovery of yet another builder's body continues the disturbing pattern of deaths of developers in the metropolitan under inexplicable circumstances.

The body of 38-year-old Amar Bhatia was found on the tracks between Ambernath and Badlapur railway stations on Sunday. While the police think it is a suicide, Bhatia's kin dispute the fact, alleging he may have been killed.

Bhatia, one of the directors of Mohan Group, a leading construction firm, lived with his wife and 10-year-old son Romit at Priya apartments in Camp No. 3 in Ulhasnagar. On Saturday, he was to attend a relative's wedding ceremony along with his family.

"Bhatia was to leave with his wife and son at 8 pm to attend the mehendi ceremony in the evening. He left home telling his wife he was going to meet someone and would be back in time for the ceremony," said Pradeep Ramchandani, a family friend. When Bhatia did not show up, his wife began calling him up and sending messages to his phone. But he did not respond. "She got very worried and called Bhatia's brother Papan, who also tried to contact him. The 'last seen' on Bhatia's WhatsApp read 10:47 pm," Ramchandani said.

The worried family started calling up his friends and partners but no one had any idea about Bhatia's whereabouts. Finally, Papan, his friends and Romit went looking for him, aided by a mobile app Papan had asked Bhatia to install on his phone. The app traced the phone through GPS and displayed the locations on all the other phones linked to it, Papan's being one of them. Following the inputs from the app, the group reached a secluded level crossing between Ambernath and Badlapur stations, where Romit spotted his father's car. But there was nobody inside.

The app showed Bhatia's location to be a few metres ahead. The search party started walking in that direction, and some 50 feet ahead, saw a body lying on the tracks in a pool of blood. It was 1:30 am when Papan and Romit recognised Bhatia's face and broke down. It seemed to them he had been run over by a train. The Government Railway Police (GRP) was alerted and officials from Kalyan GRP arrived at the scene.

"Bhatia was run over by the Duronto Express. It is a case of trespassing. Initial investigation doesn't point to foul play but the probe is on. The family members are not in a state where we can record their statements. Once we speak to them, we will find out more," said a senior GRP officer.

Railway police commissioner Madhukar Pandey told Mumbai Mirror, "We have received information that Bhatia had sent SMSes to his relatives stating that he was under depression and that he would end his life. To get more details we will retrieve Bhatia's call detail records (CDR)." Bhatia's kin, however, say he couldn't have committed suicide and allege that he was killed, and his body dumped at the tracks.

"Bhatia was financially sound. His business was doing well. The spot where his body was found is 3 km from a project named Mohan Meadows that his company had constructed in 2013. This indicates he had gone there willingly and could have committed suicide, but the reason behind the extreme step is not known," said a builder from Ulhasnagar who is a family friend to the Bhatias.

"Police should carry out a thorough probe to find out what led Bhatia to the tracks, and whether it is a suicide or an accident. The builder fraternity stands with the Bhatia family in these difficult times," said Manoj Rai, vicepresident, Maharashtra Chamber of Housing Industry (MCHI), Kalyan. "The Duronto Express passes through Ambernath and Badlapur areas at the time the man seems to have been hit, so it is possible the train ran him over. As of now, we have registered an accidental death, but further investigation is on," said Ritesh Ahir, public relations officer, GRP.

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Comments (5)

Axis Bank IFSC code: UTIB0002786 (Maharashtra, District: THANE, City: NAVI MUMBAI, Branch: RETAIL FOREX AND REMITTANCES CENTER)

What is the IFSC Code?

The term might be unknown to most Indians, but its use has been going on for quite some time in the country and has revolutionized the money transfer process between banks. IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code and is provided by the RBI (Reserve Bank of India – the governing body for the banking sector in India). The code consists of 11 characters that uniquely identify each individual bank branch.

Understanding the Code

Here is an example code: XXXX 0 YYYYYY

First four characters . The first four alphanumeric characters (XXXX) identify the bank.

Fifth character – 0 . The fifth character is 0 by default for all IFSC codes and is reserved for future use.

Last six characters . The last six characters (YYYYYY) can be both numeric and alphabetic and form a unique code for every branch of this bank (that is identified with the first four characters).

How Is It Useful to You?

Any individual or company can wire money to any domestic bank account by using the Indian Financial System Code or IFSC code through NEFT or RTGS systems. The person sending the money would need to provide the IFSC, the name of the beneficiary as well as the account number to transfer the money to. The IFSC code is used for identifying the bank and the branch, and the other details identify the account where funds are to be transferred.

NEFT and RTGS Systems

NEFT as well as RTGS systems are used for transferring money to bank accounts within the country and both systems use the IFSC codes. In NEFT, there is no limit to the maximum, as well as, the minimum amount that can be transferred. The transfer is generally completed in 24 to 48 hours. RTGS, on the other hand, can be used for transferring the amount in as little as two hours, but the amount transferred must be at least INR 1, 00, 000.

How Can I Find the IFSC?

This is where www. theIFSCcode. com comes into play. Instead of looking for the ifsc code on cheque books (that are printed by the different banks and are distributed in their branches on their cheque books' issues), or instead of calling “customer care”, that usually takes up too much time (waiting for the call to be answered), you can look for it here on www. theifsccode. com. We have an accurate and up-to-date database with all this information, including bank and branch entity names, location data (state, district, city, address) and detailed contact information for all the branches.

How Can I Use www. theifsccode. com?

There are multiple ways by which you can find an IFSC code on our site, including:

Searching with any of the bank's details (like IFSC number, MICR code, branch name, location data, etc) in the above search field.

Selecting the bank in the list of all the Indian banks. and then navigating in each bank's branches.

Selecting the state in the list of all the states or union territories of India. and then navigating in all banks' branches in this state.


(Seleccione el nombre del banco, luego el estado, luego el distrito, luego la sucursal para ver los detalles) BankIFSCcode. com tiene todos los 159 bancos informatizados y sus 112743 sucursales listadas.

Guía: - Haga clic para actualizar el campo de la lista correspondiente Desactivado / No seleccionado Busque el nombre correcto del banco, p. "Federal Bank" es en realidad "El Banco Federal".

Select Bank Name, State, District, Branch Name to Display Details Here

AXIS BANK has 40 branches in THANE District of MAHARASHTRA State

&dupdo; 2010-16 BankIFSCcode. com

All STATE BANK OF INDIA (SBI) branches in Thane District with IFSC Code

Encuentre el código IFSC usando las listas a continuación.

Primero seleccione su banco, seleccione el estado, ahora seleccione su distrito y finalmente seleccione la sucursal de su banco para encontrar el Código IFSC. Si necesita cambiar cualquier término de la lista de búsqueda, utilice los iconos de flecha hacia arriba.

Utilice los iconos de círculo marrón y los menús desplegables siguientes para cambiar su banco o ubicación.

Branch wise list of STATE BANK OF INDIA (SBI) in THANE

Copyright: 2015 BanksIFSCCode. com

List Of Resort In Mumbai Thane

Flip your List of resort in mumbai thane home lamps out and observe!4.

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Bring to mind first-group and splendid apartments rentals, top-notch companies at the restaurants, and designer outfits.

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List Of Resort In Mumbai Thane

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List Of Resort In Mumbai Thane

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Axis Bank Vasai (W) Branch, Thane, Maharashtra

Last modified: September 17, 2013 | Posted in Axis Bank

Axis Bank Vasai (W) Branch, Thane Contact Details

Branch Name: Vasai (W) Address: Dhuri Center Opp. Panchvati Hotel, Ambadi Road, Vasai (W), Thane, Maharashtra – 401202 Contact Number: ( 0250) 2339112/2342042 – 043/2336075 Fax No: 0250-2336085 Branch ID: 019 IFSC Code: UTIB0000019 MICR Code: 400211004 Email: ibrm@axisbank. com

Axis Bank Toll-Free Number . 1800-233-5577/ 1800-209-5577/ 1800-103-5577

Axis Bank Vasai (W) Branch Thane Timings:

Services & Facilities Available by Axis Bank

Personal Banking: Easy Access Savings Account, Krishi Savings Account, Salary Account, Prime Savings Account, Priority Account – Resident Women’s Savings Account, Demat Account, Senior Citizen’s Account, Azaadi – No Frills, Pension Savings Account, Trust/NGO Savings Account.

Deposits: Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Encash 24, Tax Saver Fixed Deposit. Loans: Loan against security, Education Loan, Loan Against shares. Forex. Travel Currency Cards, India Travel Card, Outward Remittance Foreign Currency Travellers Cheques, Foreign Currency Cash. Investments: Mohur Gold, Online Trading, Mutual Funds, Demat Account,8% Savings Bonds. Insurance: Motor Insurance, Travel Insurance, Safe Guard, Business Advantage Safe Home, Family Health, Safe Home Plus, Silver Health, Critical Illness, Jewellery Insurance.

Normal Current Account, Capital Market Current Account, Business Advantage Account, Krishi Current Account, Business Select Account, Business Global Current Account, Club 50 Current Account, Business Privilege Account, local Current Account, Channel One, Current Account for Pharma, current Account for Govt Organisations, Current Account for Banks.

Credit: Working Capital Finance, Term Loans, Supply Chain Management Structured Finance, SME Standard, Overseas Transactions, SME Fast Track

Capital Market: Axis Infra Index, Advisory Services, Debt Solutions, Capital Market Funding, Private Equity, Mergers & Acquisitions, Custodial Services, Trusteeship Services, e Depository Services, Depository Services, e-Broking, Equity Solutions.

Forex, Currency Futures, Money Market, Global Trade and FI Relations, Constituent SGL Facilities, Trade & Forex Services, Retailing of Government Securities.

Cash Management Services: Yes Govt. Business: Authorisation, Direct Tax Payment, State Tax Payment, Other Services, Pension Disbursement, e-Governance Tie-ups, e-Payments.

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Trade Forex Sales Relations Manager - SME & Mid-corporate

Job Description:

Job DescriptionLead a result oriented team and is responsible for managing the Branch Profitability, ensuring high quality service and Customer

Key Customer Relationship Management & supervision of all High Net Worth customer programs

Ensure compliance with Bank

Desired ProfileMinimum graduate or preferably be an MBA's

Sales / Marketing skillsTeam Management SkillsInterpersonal & Influencing skillsGood Relationship Management SkillKnowledge of the Banking Industry & Financial Market

Excellent team handling experience

Company Description:

Resort In Wada Thane

It would be great for more could system the Inholiday of their total life Resort in wada thane longHalf inch and then have that excursion with a substantial discounted charge? Travel companies do, mainly because a completely new community is popped once you get accredited. Glade Conclude Guesthouse seems much more like an elegant, magnificent destination with a suite bedrooms. Consequently, it's very important in your case so as to book your airline flight in advance.

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You need to be certain you know the way considerably it is possible to expend prior to start Resort in wada thane out planning and booking that you will do Resort in wada thane not want. Discover older goals that contain harmed you previously once they decided not to become a reality.

Preferred sight-seeing opportunities to check out in China range from the Not allowed Town, the Forehead of Nirvana, Tiananmen Block, the entire world famous Good Wall membrane, The Summertime Construction and other appealing web pages.

Without having to pay this, the accommodation aren't going to be available for you.

The locations will be extravagantly furnished as well.

You will discover lots of linked holiday getaway destinations all over the earth to select from for some one most suitable for a distinct wants.

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Resort In Wada Thane

This holiday, that takes put in place May, Sept or October (there aren't any set appointments for Islamic holidays, while they abide by Resort in wada thane data originating from a lunar work schedule) was got going in the Mongolian dynasty of The far east. Probably the most interesting events in this particular nation, on the other hand, would be the Muslim trips. Resort in wada thane

Including utilize the resort's entirely furnished fitness center, spa, and heavy steam room.

So, whilst elements in Atlantic Location had been decreasing, they may be now getting a convert for any far better.

However, this won't involve outdoor cooking with charcoal inside the pool filtration or stomping Wedding ring-Dings on a new couch.

#2 Select a vacation destination and then suggest a list of activities.

Kick back on the outdoor patio and like the warm Ocean air flow or enjoy a couple inside the on board Hot tub and sweetness Salon.

3 women of Thane family die in Expressway mishap

Mar 27, 2016, 12.22AM IST TNN [ Umesh K Parida ]

NAVI MUMBAI: Three women were killed and four others injured in an accident on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway on Saturday afternoon as the car they were travelling in lost control and hit the divider near the Rasayani section. Tyre burst is the likely cause, said the police.

The mishap took place around 2.40 pm when members of the Kadam family from Balkum naka area in Thane was returning to Mumbai from Sangli.

The deceased have been identified as Hirabai Kadam (70), Jayshree Kadam (40) and Manisha Kadam (50). All of them died on the spot. The injured include the driver, Satish Kadam (40), and three teenagers — Vedant Kadam (13), Ritesh Kadam (14), and Aditi Kadam (15). They were taken to MGM Hospital in Kamothe.

The vehicle, said the police, was overspeeding due to which the driver lost control and crashed the vehicle into the divider. The car fell on its side on a patch of grass.

Assistant inspector Arun Awhad of the highway traffic said that a rescue vehicle team extricated the injured and the dead women from the car minutes after the accident. "It appears that the car was overspeeding and its tyre could have burst causing the mishap. Luckily, no other passing vehicle hit the car. The traffic was also not affected," said Awhad.

Inspector R S Shinde of Rasayani police station, which has jurisdiction over the accident spot, said that the accident was possibly caused by the tyre burst after the car hit the divider. The car flipped over and fell onto the divider leading to the death of three people.," said Shinde.

A relative of the family, Mangesh Kadam, said that they had gone to Sangli to attend a family function.

The driver told TOI . "I am not sure how the accident occurred. All I can remember is the car hitting the divider."

TrainingBox Thane

TrainingBox Thane is a city based training information portal with list of best training classes, computer education, coaching centers in Thane, Maharashtra.

TrainingBox Thane provides training information like training provider course offerings, class timings, operating hours, training methods, placement support, training facilities photo and video gallery, institute google map and course fee information.

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Session 1

Overview of Foreign Exchange Markets

Cash & Spot Exchange

Eurocurrency Markets

Market Players, Inter bank, Corporates

Mechanism of making a foreign payment

Forex and Interest Rate markets

Factors affecting Exchange Rates

Session 3

Trading in Foreign Exchange Markets

Trading Procedure

Management of International Trade Transaction

Information Analysis for Trading


International Transactions Financing

Concept of Volatility in Forex Markets

Forecasting Exchange Rates

Various theories of forecasting

Drawbacks associated with these theories

Análisis técnico

Real-time example

Session 5

Foreign Exchange Risks

Types of Risks & exposures for corporates, exports, imports, borrowing, competitions

Measurement and quantifying of Risks

Value at Risk (VaR)

Introduction to VaR

Application of VaR in Forex Markets

Tools of Risk Management



Types of Options like range notes, spreads, knock-ins/outs/digital/barrier, leveraged etc.

Risk Return and Hedging Profile

Product Structuring

Actual illustration

Hedging in Forex Market

Hedging through Forward/Futures/Options/Swaps

Pricing of Options/Swaps/Forwards

Factors affectingВ pricing

UnderstandingВ trade logic by forecasting factors affecting pricing

Case Study

Where Corporate Treasuries have failed using FX derivatives

Practical structures used by Indian and International corporates (Making sense out of theories and various structures)

Participants attending the entire course shall be eligible to receive Participation Certificate from the BSE Institute Ltd. В

One Day Picnic Tikuji ni wadi thane

Founded and established by Late Shri Pravinchandra A Parekh over 30 years Established and created by Late Shri Pravinchandra A Parekh in excess of 30 years prior And Approved and perceived as a Tourist fascination by the Tourism Department, Government of Maharashtra

RESORT: – 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. AMUSEMENT PARK: – 11 A. M. to 7 P. M. WATER PARK:- 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.

Ticket rates: Per person ticket rate: Rs. 300

How to reach Tikuji-ni-wadi:

Found at Manpada town, Chitalsar, Thane, 40 kms far from Mumbai City, On the Ghodbunder/Thane Road.


Take the route towards Eastern Express Highway from Sion Circle.

Pass the Mulund Check Naka towards Kapurwadi intersection on to Borvali Ghodbunder Road. Turn left on the intersection of Manpada town.


Take the Western Express Highway from Mahim – Bandra intersection to Dahisar Check Naka. Turn right on Ghodbunder – Thane way to Manpada town by passing Chenna river. Turn comfortable intersection of Manpada town.

Focal Railway Suburban Service At Thane station take the TMT (Thane Municipal Transportation) Bus No. 56 to Koknipada and get down at Tikuji-ni-wadi transport prevent or an autoriksha from Thane station.

From Western Suburbs take the MSRT (Maharashtra State Road Transport Bus Service) to Thane from Borivali (E). Get down at Manpada Village Junction and take a pleasant walk towards the mountain.

Presently presented BEST BUS course no.700 Ordinary and Air Conditioned/ TMT course no 65 from Borivali station to Thane station East through Ghodbunder street. Get down at Manpada Village Junction

TMT BUS course no.56 from Thane station west to Tikuji-Ni-Wadi

Attractions in Tiku-ji-ni-wadi :

Water park segment which comprises of a decent wave pool, enormous sliding rides begins from more level levels of stature running from one story to higher ones up to three stories. You can pick the stature levels as indicated by your slant and will. There’s a pleasant spot called “lazy pool” where you can laze inside the water utilizing gave swelled extravagant elastic tires and move along in the water with pizzazz. Bunches of different zones like amusement park, sprinkle pools are accessible where you can appreciate the diverse water slides appropriately. Different attractions here are family pool, children pool and so other attractions here are family pool, kids pool etc.

Artículos Relacionados

Nthane Brothers under fire

By Billy Ntaote

MASERU — Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) wants the Nthane Brothers to refund government a whopping M36 million and be blacklisted from state construction jobs as punishment for substandard work.

Tseliso Nthane, who owns Nthane Brothers Company which has won several government tenders over the years

The verdict comes in the wake of the long-running dispute between the Brothers’ firm, Lesotho Consolidated Civil Construction (LCCC) and Ministry of Public Works, over the building of a 27-kilometre road stretching from Ha Cheche to Matšooana on the Likalaneng to Thaba-Tseka highway.

The ministry has since ordered the LCCC to stop the road-works after accusing the company of failing to meet conditions of the contract.

But the PAC now wants the return of M36 million which the government advanced to the LCCC in two tranches of M15 million and M21 million for the job.

The LCCC had been expected to have completed the job in August 2010 but four years later, the firm is “ostensibly going on with its substandard work”, according to the PAC report tabled before parliament on Tuesday this week.

The Committee has recommended the Ministry of Public Works principal secretary Lebohang Phooko to “institute recovery processes through legal means”, and for the LCCC not to be awarded government contracts for a certain period as punishment for shoddy work and threatening supervising engineers. “As much as we appreciate and encourage the engagement of local contractors on government projects, we cannot condone threats to supervisors because they can compromise construction standards,” the committee noted in the report.

The PAC also wants the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences to investigate how the company was advanced the said amount following a recommendation by cabinet.

The Committee also said it learnt that three engineers abandoned their supervision because of threats by people suspected to be connected to the LCCC. “These threats included a grenade put under their vehicle, threatening phone call, and deliberate collision of the contractors’ truck with the engineers’ vehicle over Mantšonyane Bridge.”

The committee further said the LCCC, even after termination of the contract in 2012 due to failure to comply with contractual obligations, is still continuing with the construction of the road without supervision “under the pretext that it has a Court Order”.

Thane Orbitrek Elliptical Parts

There is a lot to recommend buying and using Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical that come with a number of useful features that every owner of an elliptical would like in their elliptical and when you consider that you can fold up your Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical, you will be advantaged as far as space requirements are concerned. In addition, this elliptical has some new designs which make it possible for users to adjust their stride’s length which is most useful when you want to target various muscle groups and which also allows you to burn more calories.

Different Stride Lengths

Thus, if you were to shorten the length of your stride on the Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical, you would have a tighter buttock that will get more lift, and it would help to make your hips slimmer while also toning the hamstrings and more importantly, prevents buildup of cellulite. On the other hand, having a medium stride would increase the pace of your workout and thus you can benefit from getting a good cardio workout. Finally, when you lengthen the stride, you will improve your endurance and also burn higher numbers of calories.

Another notable feature with regard to Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical and also other elliptical from NordicTrack is that they are value for money, and they are well constructed as well as are quite sturdy as well. In addition, some of the notable features of the Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical include being able to adjust the length of the stride, changing the intensity level of the elliptical fly to as many as ten different levels, LED readout that is easy to read, and a smooth stride.

Thus, buying a Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical will do your body a lot of good and you can expect to stay in good physical shape, and though you may need to shell out about a thousand dollars for it, it is still worth the price tag. If you can also get it with a one year warranty on labor and two to three years warranty on parts, it would make your purchase that much better.

The bottom line with Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical is that it is value for money and it will help you shed extra pounds of weight on your body while also letting you tone up your muscles while having a complete body workout with just a single piece of fitness equipment that is the Nordic Track Spacesaver elliptical which is quite exceptional and worth considering the next time you need fitness equipment.


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Job Description

Lead a result oriented team and is responsible for managing the Branch Profitability, ensuring high quality service and Customer. Key Customer Relationship Management & supervision of all High Net Worth customer programs. Ensure compliance with Bank. Minimum graduate or preferably be an MBA's. Sales / Marketing skills Team Management Skills Interpersonal & Influencing skills Good Relationship Management Skill Knowledge of the Banking Industry & Financial Market. Excellent team handling experience

Competencies/Skill sets for this job

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Investment - Financial Planning in Thane

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1980 - for the first time in the history of Western Union revenues from money transfers exceeded the income from the telegraph service. Western Union made so that the time in all of American civil services was the same. En febrero de 2009, la compañía firmó un acuerdo con Fexco para adquirir el 100% de sus acciones por 159,9 millones de dólares. 1970 - a new service called Western Union for more than 130 years provides money transfer services to its customers. Western Union incomes for 2007 have made $4,9 billion US dollars, and the quantity of transactions has made 572 million. Separation of the companies had two objectives: first, to give Western Union the opportunity to develop more intensively, and secondly, to help First Data to return to its original activity (in 1992 the company separated from the payment system of American Express as an independent financial services company). Western Union has several divisions, with products such as person-to-person money transfer, money orders, business payments and commercial services. In 1988, the company undertook a massive reorganization in response to rapidly changing business conditions. In particular, this need has arisen due to many technological changes that have taken place at that time. Company name was changed from Western Union Telegraph Co. to Western Union Corp. As a result of 2011, net income of Western Union has increased by 28% to $ 1.165 billion, the company reported.

Frr Forex Pvt Ltd, Western Union money transfer agent location Thane, India

Frr Forex Pvt Ltd Shop No 50 51 And 52 First Floor 400602 Thane

Monday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Thursday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Search Money transfer agent locations in India or olny in Thane

Property in Thane

Keep away from Ghodbunder Road properties

Thane is no longer the city it was earlier. Encroachments, garbage piles all over the place, bad quality of roads and increased pollution have turned it into nightmare. Overall, Thane is much too overhyped by the builder lobby. Anyone thinking of buying here - investors or actual residents should think 10 times. The prices are just not justified and the problems are getting worse making it a bad investment choice for future.

The truth about living in Thane

1. Long commute to any work place - it takes more than 90 minutes to reach central/south Mumbai. Western suburbs take longer. Buses take much longer while trains are crowded

2. Toll - to go anywhere from Thane you need to pay very high toll (or travel in congested and dirty trains)

3. Atrociously prices properties - bad for investors as well as users. Here are some problems based on an individual perspective

1. Urbania - contruction has been delayed for more than an year. Although it is an open area right now, the surroundings are more industrial in nature and hence not pleasant to view! Biggest problem is the delay.

2. L Paradise and Luxuria - same problem about surroundings. There is also a large nullah carrying waste water within the complex (problem for other complexes too). Not a great view from any building. Newer building are between half to 1 km inside from the service road. Luxuria is far from completion and some flats are facing the nallah. This can bring in stench and mosquitoes to even flats that are not facing the nallah.

3. H Estate - very far from the city, some buildings said to be part of forest land litigation. Rates not justified. Distress sales by individual investors not uncommon at more reasonable rates.

4. H. Meadows - just a collection of buildings with good specs but 2 bHK flats are small. 3 BHKs have larger area but layout is not great. The approach roads (not within the complex but immediately outside) have been recently encroached by hawkers and before that by small shops giving the entire area a shabby look and large bustling mela type of atmosphere - definitely not something you want to pay about crore for (3 BHKs). Flats that should sell for 30-40 L are being quoted for 75 L. The value cannot appreciate since the approach and surroundings are only getting worse

5. Vasant Lawns - Possibly the most overrated complex. Nallah problem for 3 buildings (Even then flat prices are quoted high). Delays in construction and possession means money is locked up for investors and not significant appreciation. Flats that were supposed to be ready in 2008 are not yet available for possession. Buyer unfriendly sales office turns away retail investors. Overall a bad buy unless the rates are reduced by 20-30 %. Distress sale to investors was rumored. Expected distress sales by retail investors cannot be ruled out in a few months Among the older ones

1. Tarangan - No open spaces, haphazard collection of buildings. New mall makes it a nightmare from traffic perspective. Flats that should be priced at 30-35 L being quoted for 65 L and above. Nallah problem nearby - not so bad. Maintenance is ok, not so great. Building lobbies look shabby, indisciplined residents having flower beds and pots in windows have made exteriors ugly. Club house is good but not as good as the Hiranandani complexes

2. Vikas - One of the better maintained complexes but is older than 10 years. Several flats have seepage problem. one of the wing borders a nallah and has stench from it and mosquitoes. Parking is a huge problem. Any sound of traffic or other sound from road echoes and booms due to peculiar layout making it very difficult for residents facing the garden. During the boomtime, owners here sold flats for very high prices but recent sales are showing signs of distress. Paying above 60 L-70 L for 2 BHK is totally uncalled for (currently quoted at 65 L). For same money better property can be bought a little further away. No significant reason for price appreciation (not a good investment choice)

Today, builders in Thane are quoting rates that are higher than many areas in Mumbai city limits. There is no reason to pay this premium. Buyers beware and let the markets reach a saner price point at which this city may become attractive again for investment. For living, it will still carry the same problems but you would have surplus money every month if you buy at a lower price.

- An informed resident

I was surprised to see a comment posted by someone called ****RAJ****. All I could feel was two things, either he is a builder himself or someone connected to them, or someone who's trying to sell his property on GB Road which has now become a noose around his neck (Phaasi Ka Funda). POOR GUY.

I do not know how many others like him were made to look like suckers or I should say fooled by by the builders and the real estate agents into buying something that was grossly overpriced couple of years ago and even now.

Good for them, they deserve it.

I have been associated with the construction industry myself, and I know how much it costs to build a 30 storey tower which includes the so-called ultra-modern amenities and the pay-off needed for the local govt. agencies as well. So if somebody says a 4BHK apt in Hiranandani Meadows at Rs. 2.5 Cr is an excellent buy, I have only one comment for them, please go and commit suicide.

It’s not worth spending more than 12-15 lacs for 2BHK flat of 1000 sq. ft. built-up area, from Majiwada till Kasarwadavli on GB Road. Just wait for some more time guys; there are builders who would end up selling you their prized possessions in the above rate very soon the big ones, whom you know and read a lot about.

Hang on guys, just wait. Distress sales are happening as well, across all location on GB Road. Just keep your nose and ears open, you would end up getting a god flat real cheap from one of the foolish investors like ****RAJ’s**** for sure.

Till then save as much as you can.

i think you are out of your mind! YOU SHOULD GET ADMITTED IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL that is not the case at all in fact people from andheri also are coming to ghodbunder, buying flats bcoz thane is so very good in every way as far as crime or theft is concerned, nobody is safe any where in india



Hi guys. This is Shekhar and I am planning to buy a 2BHK flat at Cosmos Lounge at Manpada, GB road. The quote given to me is 4200/sq. ft for 1000 sq. ft (built up area ) which comes to around 46 - 47 lac including everything.

Please let me know whether it is worth the price. - Shekhar

Cosmos construction quality is not so great. he is local builder with slightly better quality. Look out for Hiranandani or kalpataru ( siddhachal ). Besides this approach road to Cosmos Lounge is not proper. That is the main reason why Nilakanth Green flats are not easily salable. You will get it diffcult to resale.

Subjects of Wide Speculation

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HDFC Bank, icici Bank, Operations, Phone Banking Officer careeronweb. com Call 09501464507 - Thane Manager is basically Working on Computers/MIS 1. Day-to-Day Operations of an organization.2. Make the company more productive by providing effective methods in its business operations.3. An individual. 19 days ago

Relationship Manager Personal loans Cards ICICI Bank Ltd - Thane Ability to manage relationships with the existing clients and expand service renderings for hem to a wider range of financial products/services Ability to conceptualize and implement competent marketing. 6 days ago

Relationship Manager - Personal Loans & Cards - Mumbai ICICI Bank Ltd - Thane Positions Reporting to Role: NAJob Role and Responsibilities:Drive Credit Cards (CC) and Personal Loans (PL) (Secured and Unsecured) business through ICICI Bank branches Create and drive alternate channels. 27 days ago

Day shift IDBI Bank Phone Banking jobs QuickRozgar. com - Thane Dada Patil Road, Opp Railway Station Thane west, Behind ICICI ATMMobile +91 7718823102/9987977218(Ranjan)Email recruitsoljob@gmail. com Forward this e-mail who are in need of a job. Minimum HSC pass 13 days ago

Branch Operations Manager, ICICI KOTAK HDFC, Bfsi@careerow. com careeronweb. com Call 9501464507 8557953023 - Thane Amit Thakur(Manager HR) at - +91 8557953023We are rated amongst the premier placement consultancy and panel consultants of a large number of reputed multinational-national companies and successful record. 24 days ago

Sales Executive / Team Leader for Liqui Finance Solutions PVT LTD LIQUI FINANCE SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD (CAR GALAXY) - Thane Liqui Finance Solutions PVT LTD is looking for Sales/ tele Sales Executive / team leader /manager for (DSA of HDFC and ICICI banks),Candidate - graduate, must know English, Hind, age within 35yrs. 24 days ago

Customer care Banking Jobs QuickRozgar. com - Thane Thane west, Behind ICICI ATM Mobile +91 7718823102(Ranjan)Email recruitsoljob@gmail. com Forward this e-mail who are in need of a job. No night shifts forcandidates. 13 days ago

Tamil Telgu Bpo Jobs at Thane QuickRozgar. com - Thane Dada Patil Road, Opp Railway Station Thane west, Behind ICICI ATMMobile +91 7718823102/9987977128(Ranjan)Email recruitsoljob@gmail. com Thanks Forward this e-mail who are in need of a job. A-15,Basement Rajdarshan. 13 days ago

Malayalam Bpo Jobs sal 10-18k QuickRozgar. com - Thane Dada Patil Road, Opp Railway Station Thane west, Behind ICICI ATMMobile +91 7718823102/9987977128(Ranjan)Email recruitsoljob@gmail. com Thanks Forward this e-mail who are in need of a job. A-15,Basement Rajdarshan. 13 days ago

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Free Stock Market Workshop Yogeshwar Vashishtha

Venue Hotel Satkar Residency, Thane, India

Created by Pathfinders Trainings Follow Contact Increase Visibility of Your Event Reach to More Audience

Free Stock Market Workshop Yogeshwar Vashishtha

Pathfinders Trainings invites you for a free stock market workshop by the renowned trainer Mr. Yogeshwar Vashishtha who is known for his interactive mentoring models of trading and investing. He has successfully taught his unique trading setups to thousands of traders who profitably trade Stocks, Futures, Commodity and Forex Markets.

Mr. Yogeshwar is M. Tech. (IIT), ICM(Peru) and PTC (OTA) and has trained more than 20,000 people in the last six years in his free and paid workshops in India and abroad. He is NSE and BSE certified and is a member of the Association of Technical Market Analysts.

This free workshop will be on Sat 17th Nov 2012 from 6.30 to 9.30 pm at Hotel Satkar Residency in Thane (W). You will be taught how to • make stock market as your second source of income • trade to generate regular income and invest to manage portfolios • reduce your losses and increase your profits • make money when the market falls down • trade professionally by managing the market risk • find with high accuracy the turning points of markets • use stock filtering to find your trades • use technical analysis to time your trades • make a scientific trading plan to suit your profile • take advantage of the leverage components • professionally trade stocks, futures, commodity and forex

To register for this workshop please call 9967630595, or 9967070595. You can also register online by visiting www. pathfinderstrainings. com Please note that max 30 people will be attending this workshop so kindly register immediately to attend the free workshop.

Please note that the workshop includes tea and snacks and you are welcome to bring along your family members and friends.

We wish you success in your trading and investing.

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Travel Agents Thane Mumbai | Tours Operators - Crossworld Holidays

"Crosswolrd Holidays - Your Worldwide connection. Crossworld Holidays™ is formidable force in Thane's TRAVEL scene. During 1988, package tours to the Far East were very popular and so Crossworld Holidays capitalized on this by starting their own tours to Thailand, Singapore, Honkong and so on. This went very well and soon the company started getting a foothold in the Thane Travel Market. By 1991, as the business increased, the office shifted to its current premises. Crossworld Holidays™ can issue tickets of all domestic airlines namely Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Sahara Airlines and International Airlines namely K. L.M Royal Dutch Airways, Lufthansa, Gulf Air, Oman Air, Qantas, Japan Airlines, El Al Israel Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Air France, South African Airways, Indian Airlines, Kenya Airways, Sabena, Saidia, United Airlines, Emirates and Swissair in its premises itself. Crossworld Holidays™ is a one stop shop for all the travel needs ranging from Air Ticket Booking in Thane Mumbai. Authorized agent for Passport and Visa agent in Thane Mumbai. Overseas Mediclaim Travel Insurance agent in Thane Mumbai. Foreign Exchange Money Transfer Services in Thane Mumbai. Hotel Booking in India and Abroad from Thane Mumbai as well as Eurail, Greyhound, Amtrac, Japanrail, Swissrail and Britrail Passes. To know more about Travel Agents in Thane Mumbai. contact us at info@crossworldholidays. com or crossh@gmail. com. You may also send an enquiry regarding Travel Agents in Thane Mumbai"

Air Tickets Booking Passport / Visa Foreign Exchange Overseas Insurance Overseas Payments Car Rental Hotel Bookings

Job Description

Lead a result oriented team and is responsible for managing the Branch Profitability, ensuring high quality service and Customer. Key Customer Relationship Management & supervision of all High Net Worth customer programs. Ensure compliance with Bank. Minimum graduate or preferably be an MBA's. Sales / Marketing skills Team Management Skills Interpersonal & Influencing skills Good Relationship Management Skill Knowledge of the Banking Industry & Financial Market. Excellent team handling experience

Competencies/Skill sets for this job

Thane Fitness Orbitrek

People who are dedicated to great physical fitness will probably explore the use of elliptical machines. Many people want to have the best workout possible in the shortest amount of time. Those using elliptical machines include world class athletes and senior citizens who want to maintain optimum health. Any good gym will probably have one section full of elliptical machines. The workout rooms for the best athletes will also have some elliptical machines to keep the athletes competitive. Most sports medicine experts and personal trainers will recommend a good workout that will provide for cardiovascular fitness. There are many different ways to achieve great physical fitness, and there is no right way for everyone.

Some people will want to walk in the open air so they can observe the world around them while they move. Other people live in climates where the weather may keep them indoors for many days out of the year. Some people like to run with a buddy so they can talk to pass the time. Elliptical machines have become very popular for people with many different goals and objectives. These elliptical machines are designed to provide a good cardiovascular workout. These wonderful machines are constantly available in gyms and workout rooms even when the worst weather is in the neighborhood.

Elliptical Machines Come In Different Shapes And Sizes

Health facilities for public and private use usually have a selection of elliptical machines. Some of these have handsets that provide an upper body workout as well as a lower body workout. Many of the machines in the larger facilities are strong, durable machines for a huge variety of people. These machines can support a very large person such as a professional football player or a tiny senior citizen. These machines usually have a control panel so the customers can personalize their time on the machine. If they want a very strenuous workout, they can program the machine for this purpose. A slow, leisurely workout is possible as well.

There are other elliptical machines that are appropriate for use in the home. These machines are not as bulky as the industrial models so the family room might be a great place for a workout. There are some machines that can be easily stored until it is time for a workout which means that these machines will not take up too much living space until they are needed. Using the machines is most important so each person interested in optimum fitness should find the facilities that will be most conducive to their fitness needs.

Finest residences. Best value!

There has never been a better time to invest in real estate in Mumbai, as India’s macroeconomic fundamentals strengthen and the rupee slated to appreciate against the dollar in the coming months. Lodha Group, India’s No. 1 real estate developer presents NRI Forex Dual Advantage, an opportunity to ‘lock-in’ the forex rate when you acquire your Lodha residence so that you can realize instant return on your investment.

Best value for your Forex

Fix the forex rate as on the date of receipt of payment for booking your residence and continue to enjoy the same conversion rate for all future payments, irrespective of any rupee appreciation. Your forex will earn the best value for your residence and will ensure guaranteed gains on your investment today itself.

Your Forex was never this rewarding!

As an exclusive limited period offer, get assured upside on the dollar rate - an exchange rate that is better than anything you will get, from anywhere in the world. The following illustration will indicate how you stand to gain from this offer:

++ for illustration purpose only.

Click on these frequently asked questions to know more

An Indian citizen who stays abroad for employment/carrying on business or vocation outside India or stays abroad under circumstances indicating an intention for an uncertain duration of stay abroad is a non-resident. (Persons posted in U. N. organisations and officials deputed abroad by Central/State Governments and Public Sector undertakings on temporary assignments are also treated as non-temporary assignments are also treated as non-residents). Non-resident foreign citizens of Indian origin are treated on par with non - resident Indian citizens (NRIs).

A person of Indian origin means an individual (not being a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sri Lanka or Afghanistan or China or Iran or Nepal or Bhutan) who: • held an Indian Passport at any time, or • who or whose father or paternal grand father was a citizen of India by virtue of the Constitution of India or the Citizenship Act, 1955

NRIs/OCB's are granted the following facilities: 1. Maintenance of bank accounts in India 2. Investments in securities/shares of, and deposits with, Indian firms/companies 3. Investments in immovable properties in India

A.1 Under the general permission available, the following categories can freely purchase immovable property in India: i) Non-Resident Indian (NRI) - that is a citizen of India resident outside India ii) Person of Indian Origin (PIO) - that is an individual (not being a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sri Lanka or Afghanistan or China or Iran or Nepal or Bhutan), who 1. at any time, held Indian passport, or 2. who or either of whose father or grandfather was a citizen of India by virtue of the Constitution of India or the Citizenship Act, 1955 (57 of 1955). The general permission, however, covers only purchase of residential and commercial property.

Yes, the Reserve Bank has granted general permission to NRIs to acquire or dispose of NRI India Properties by way of gift from or to a relative who may be an Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin (PIO) whether resident in India or not.

Yes, under the general permission granted by the Reserve Bank, property other than agricultural land/farm house/plantation property can be acquired by NRIs provided the purchase consideration is met either out of inward remittances in foreign exchange through normal banking channels or out of funds from the purchaser's NRE/FCNR accounts maintained with banks in India and a declaration is submitted to the Central Office of Reserve Bank in form IPI 7 within a period of 90 days from the date of purchase of the property/final payment of purchase consideration.

The Reserve Bank has granted some general permission to certain financial institutions providing housing finance e. g. HDFC, LIC Housing Finance Ltd. etc, and authorized dealers to grant housing loans to NRI nationals for acquisition of a NRI house/flat for self-occupation subject to certain conditions. Criteria regarding the purpose of the loan, margin money and the quantum of loan will be at par with those applicable to resident Indians. Repayment of the loan should be made within a period not exceeding 15 years, out of inward remittance through banking channels or out of funds held in the investors' NRE/FCNR/NRO accounts.

A Power Of Attorney (POA) or letter of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter, sometimes against the wishes of the other. The person authorizing the other to act is the principal, grantor, or donor (of the power).

A Power Of Attorney is not an instrument of transfer in regard to any right, title or interest in an immovable property.

A Power Of Attorney, or letter of attorney, is a document that authorizes another person, known as the agent or attorney-in-fact—usually a legally competent relative or close friend over 18 years old—to handle any combination of financial, legal and health care decisions. A power of attorney is also referred to as a POA. Generally, one chooses a POA as a provision if he or she becomes incapacitated.

Types of Power of Attorney

A Power Of Attorney (POA) is an instrument that is used by people to confer authority on somebody else to legally act on their behalf. POA are of two types.

Special Power of Attorney (SPA), while an SPA is used for transfer of a specific right to the person on whom it is conferred.

General Power of Attorney (GPA), the GPA authorizes the holder to do whatever is necessary.

There is no sale clause of immovable property mentioned in POA (notarized)

Registered POA from registration office allows sale clause and POA to any one

Following are the important things to be kept in mind while executing the POA

Customer Prepares POA as per defined format.

Executants has to paste his/her photograph along with signature on each page.

Authenticate/adjudicate the POA from Indian Embassy or local authority.

Send authenticated/adjudicated POA in India.

In India, the POA holder has to paste his/her photograph along with his/her left hand thumb impression and signature.

Then this document will have to be stamped for Rs. 500/- (ESBTR, Franking, Stamp paper) and notarised from a Registered Notary. Please ensure that a stamp of “Before Me” is affixed on the document.

POA holder and executants Photo ID attach before Notary.

The documentation required to be submitted by the NRIs are different from the Resident Indians as they are required to submit additional documents, like copy of the passport and a copy of the works contract, etc. and of course NRIs have to follow certain eligibility criteria in order to get Home Loans in India. Another vital document required while processing an NRI home loan is the power of attorney (POA). The POA is important because, since the borrower is not based in India; the Home Finance Company would need a 'representative' 'in lieu of' the NRI to deal with and if needed. Although not obligatory, the POA is usually drawn on the NRI's parents/wife/children/ close relatives or friends.

The documents needed for obtaining NRI home loans are Bank specific. General list of documents are as mentioned below:

Passport and Visa

A copy of the appointment letter and contract from the company employing the applicant.

The labour card/identity card (translated in English and countersigned by the consulate) if the person is employed in the Middle East Salary certificate (in English) specifying name, date of joining, designation and salary details.

Bank Statements for the last six months

List of Classified documents for Salaried and Self Employed NRI Applicants. Banks may have specific requirements apart from the below listed documents.

Salaried NRI Applicants

Self-Employed NRI Applicants

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NCR Eduservices Pvt. Ltd. Recruitment - April 2016

Hiring Business Development Manager for a School in Thane (Thane, Maharashtra)

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Bank of Baroda forex scam: RBI asks all banks to conduct internal audit

Sun, 31 Jan 2016-12:02pm. Mumbai PTI

All public sector and private banks have been asked by the RBI to conduct a "thorough internal audit" and put the report before their respective audit committees, as part of the central bank's efforts to check fraudulent foreign exchange transactions.

The move comes in the wake of irregularities that came to light last year in Rs 6,100 crore import remittances effected by Bank of Baroda's Ashok Vihar branch here.

A circular has been issued to all scheduled commercial banks, advising them to conduct a thorough internal audit and place the report before audit committee of the board of the respective banks and to forward the summary of findings to RBI, the central bank said in reply to an RTI query filed by PTI.

The RBI was asked to provide details of action being taken by it to check fraudulent forex transactions by banks.

"We are in the process of receiving the internal audit report from various banks," it said.

The RBI has asked Bank of Baroda to conduct a bank-wide review of the outward remittances to rule out similar wrong doings at other domestic branches and submit a report thereof to it.

The bank has since completed the internal audit and placed the report before its audit committee for directions.

The Bank of Baroda has also selected a consultant to review its Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) policy and practises, to set up robust systems, the central bank said.

"They have also framed a policy for advance import remittance which covers system check points like cooling period of six months in respect of newly opened account, multiple transactions in a day for USD 100,000 and below, etc," the RBI said.

Both the Central Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement Directorate (ED) are probing remittances of Rs 6,100 crore to Hong Kong from the Bank of Baroda's Ashok Vihar branch.

The huge transaction is believed to be trade-based money laundering as the amount was transferred in the garb of payments for imports that never took place, investigators say.

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Forex in Reichenberg

Forex in Reichenberg

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